Weight is a value for me—not that it is any more compelling than lightness, but I simply know more about weight than about lightness and therefore I have more to say about it, more to say about the balancing of weight, the diminishing of weight, the addition and subtraction of weight, the concentration of weight, the rigging of weight, the propping of weight, the placement of weight, the locking of weight, the psychological effects of weight, the disorientation of weight, the disequilibrium of weight, the rotation of weight, the movement of weight, the directionality of weight, the shape of weight. — Richard Serra

Leqi Liang

Shanghai based designer, with a passion for branding. I’m always up for making WORK, or FRIENDS, or WORK-FRIENDS.


Copyright © liangleqi.com
All rights reserved.

Nostalgia animation | 2021 LocoRoco animation | 2021 the 3rd Side of the Coin animation | 2021 Popping Tutorial projection mapping | 2019 Liquid Guitar projection mapping | 2017 Visualizing the Intangible data visualization | 2019-2022 Liquid photography | 2018 Atlas Kitchen branding | 2018 Thangka book design | 2018-2019 Queer Art book design | 2017 Braille typeface design | 2018 Tibetan Wildlife Conservation branding | 2020 Farewell user experience | 2020 the 3rd Side of the Coin book design | 2021 Blossom House branding | 2021-2022 The Durant Guild UI, UX | 2022-2023